What is an Injunction?
In Florida, an injunction is an order from a Court telling someone to stop doing something. In the context of preventing violence there are injunctions for protection. (Other states may use different terminology such as examples include “restraining order”, “civil protection order” etc….). Florida has five types of injunctions for protection:
Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence
Injunction for Protection Against Dating Violence
Injunction for Protection Against Stalking
Injunction for Protection Against Sexual Violence
Injunction for Protection Against Repeat Violence
Each of these kinds of injunctions require different factual allegations.
Injunctions can limit contact, limit where the Respondent (responding party) can go. They can also require the respondent to undergo evaluations, attend classes, surrender firearms, vacate a residence and may address contact with children in common and forms of support.
There is no cost to file an injunction.
There is no right to a court appointed attorney in injunction proceedings.
Are Injunctions different than Criminal Cases?